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The Lasting Effects of Toxic Parenting: Understanding the Long-Term Impact on Children's Well-Being

Growing up with toxic parents can leave lasting emotional scars, affecting your future self-esteem, relationships and overall well-being.

Seeing beyond childhood trauma, the impact of toxic parenting extends way beyond childhood. Toxic parents, characterised by manipulative, inattentive or violent behaviours, can have a profound effect on a child's mental health, emotional well-being, social and developmental skills and academic interest and achievements, affecting a child's growth and future even after they have outgrown it.

Toxic parenting leads to severe emotional and psychological issues in children. (Freepik)

"Children raised by toxic parents are exposed to constant emotional, psychological or physical abuse, which leads to symptoms of chronic anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, etc. These children often start to feel worthless, tend to overthink, perceive normal actions as negative and sometimes withdraw themselves socially. Constant physical abuse at home can also lead to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in a child, which starts showing its effect in late adolescence. These children often have underdeveloped coping mechanisms where it becomes very difficult for them to face any stressful situation, and they give up very easily," says Dr. ShubhKarman Singh Saini, MD Psychiatrist, De-Addiction Expert and Sexologist at Manjeet Saini Hospital, Jalandhar.

Impact of toxic parenting

Dr. ShubhKarman further shared some consequences of toxic parenting on children.

  • Mental Health Issues like anxiety, depression, PTSD, low self-esteem, and suicidal thoughts are very common in such children.

  • Relationships & Social Behaviour effects like difficulty in establishing and maintaining a healthy relationship are very common. Children often feel out of place, misunderstood and struggle with trust issues in almost every relationship they get into. They can either imitate the same toxic behaviours in their relationships or can become suppressed and not accept rejection.

  • Academic Performance suffers in most children due to the emotional strain caused by toxic parenting. Children are often seen avoiding teachers or bunking lectures. Constant traumas lead to decreased motivation and problems in attention, focus and concentration which directly have a negative effect on the child's academic achievements and shaping their future.

  • Long Term Effects can lead to decreased job performance, difficulty in daily challenges, self-doubt, difficulty in maintaining a good marriage and eventually feelings of depression, anxiety, personality changes and sleep difficulties.

How to address it

“It's important to understand that recovery is possible by reframing the negative thoughts that are disrupting a child's personal and social life.” says Dr. ShubhKarman. He further shares some effective strategies to address these challenges:

  • Designing a tailored treatment plan that may include medications.

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to address and reframe negative thought patterns.

  • Support groups where children who have faced similar challenges and are recovering can share experiences and offer support.

  • Mindfulness techniques such as yoga and meditation to help manage stress and improve emotional regulation.

  • Self-care practices that promote healthy living, emotional well-being, motivation, and mental hygiene.

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